Sweatshirt DIY

6:32 PM

It's time for an easy-peasy DIY! Something I love is the feeling of a comfy sweatshirt. Even better than that is when you can enjoy that sweatshirt while looking unique and stylish. Hence the DIY project today! First were going to start with a plain old sweatshirt.

I got this one for less that $3 at Salvation Army. Aren't thrift stores the best?! Next you're going to need the following supplies. 

There are two different options for how to complete this project. One is to use a rotary cutter and the other is a classic pair of scissors. Either way is perfectly useful and of course I'm going to show you how to use both. Using the scissors is the easiest way to go about doing this project while the rotary cutter is going to give you a cleaner line. Which option you choose is up to you and your available supplies!

Using Rotary Cutter:

1. Lay out the sweatshirt on the cutting mat, making sure the top and side are square (or rather nicely lined up along the guidelines)

2. Line up the ruler at your desired sleeve length (here I used 5 inches), making sure that the length is in line with the guidelines to ensure you are cutting a straight line.

3. Firmly hold the ruler in place and run the rotary blade next the ruler, cutting the fabric is smooth, straight line. Repeat steps 1-3 on the other sleeve. After that, continue with step 4.

Using Scissors:

1. Lay the sweatshirt out flat and using the ruler, mark a straight line at the desired sleeve length. Here I used 5 inches for the length. If you have a cutting mat, it would be helpful to use this to make a square, straight line.

2. Using the scissor, cut along the line that you have created. Continue to step 4.

For Both Methods:

4. Using either the rotary cutter or scissors, cut off the bottom band of the sweat shirt to create a raw edge. I personally found it easier to use the scissors for this step but either method will work fine.

5. Stretch out the edges of both arms and the bottom so that the edges will roll. This creates a more finished look for the edges of the sweatshirt. You can then roll the sleeve up even further if you choose. and Voila! You have a sweatshirt that you can easily style for fashionably, wear in a dressier manner, and wear further into the coming warmer months! Be sure to check back later this week to see how I styled this easy DIY in an outfit!

P.S. If you share your own sweatshirt DIY on social media, be sure to use #goodnesslifeDIY

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