Reviving An Old Adventure

8:11 PM

When I started this blog oh so long ago.... aka yesterday.... my main purpose was to unleash my creative side through lifestyle topics. And then I started to binge on snacks when I got home from work today, and it occurred to me that I need a little more accountability with a long time goal of mine, losing excess weight. I decided that including this weight loss journey of mine on this blog might be the best way to get through tough times, like the 5 p.m. snack binge. And hey, lifestyle includes the word life, and health is a part of life.. that counts right?


Documenting this journey might be tough at first (It's a bit of an ego killer to realize that you're overweight while many people my age are still out binge drinking and eating taco bell every other night while staying the same size they were in high school) but I hope that through this I can not only keep myself on track and reach my goal weight but also to help inspire others to find their healthiest self as well. I know I'm not alone in this and we all need to encourage one another to keep up the good fight. So without further adieu, here is where I'm beginning, where I want to get, and how I plan to get there...

The Before:

Current Weight: 177.6 lbs
Measurements: 42-36-45

Goal Weight: 145 lbs

Not exactly my most flattering picture, but what before picture ever is? At 5'5", my weight puts me at the highest level of being overweight without being obese. In my younger years I never really struggled with my weight. Until I graduated from high school I was always average weight for my height and age, and then, college happened. I never had a healthy diet, but once I hit the stress of my college years, it got pretty bad. Of course I've seen the weight slowly pile on over the past 5 years and tried to lose what I had put on, but I never had the will power to stick to it and always ended up putting on more than I lost. Finally in October I decided to join Weight Watchers. After trying many different diets I decided Weight Watchers would be a good choice because it allowed flexibility, they focus on losing weight slowly and steadily so I never had to feel rushed or like a failure, and it seemed like a diet plan I could stick to long term (i.e. the rest of my life). It was quite a success for the first two months and I lost almost 10 lbs. That's when Christmas reared it's ugly head in my health plans and shared with me all of its lovely treats and goodies. This past year was the first year I have worked full time and I had no idea how many yummy treats co-workers, vendors, and customers bring in to share at work. I lost all self control and now I'm back where I started  worse off than when I started. 

So here I am today, documenting this journey for myself and anyone else who needs a buddy or some inspiration. I'll be following Weight Watchers because when I follow it, it works well for me and my lifestyle. There are many other safe and healthy diets out there so if anyone else is on this weight loss journey and not following Weight Watchers feel free to follow along because this is about a journey to health, not a journey through a specific diet plan. My weight loss adventures are not going to be the main focus of this blog but you can be sure to find weekly/bi-weekly updates on my successes, struggles, and tips. So... here goes nothing! And good luck to all my fellow weight loss adventurers! 

If you would like more information about the Weight Watchers program follow the link here.

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